Courtesy Kilyan ar Gwarch
Philippe COGNEE
Born in 1957, lives and works in Nantes (France).
Philippe Cognée’s paintings use heated and crushed wax, producing a blurred effect. His work raises questions about the overabundance of images and about the relationship of human beings to their urban environment. The artist draws inspiration from photos and videos of elements such as motorways, buildings, and aerial shots. His work examines the role of painting in a society where the image, due to the effects of new digital technologies, has become both omnipresent and impoverished.
A graduate of the École Supérieure de Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Philippe Cognée’s work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions and his works are held in the collections of public and private museums, including the Centre Pompidou in Paris, nine FRAC in France, the Musées des Beaux-Arts of Nantes, Strasbourg and Amiens (France), Fondation Cartier in Paris, Suermondt-Ludwig Muséum in Aix-la-Chapelle, and the Berardo Muséum in Lisbon.